Monday, May 25, 2020

Plagiarism in Research Writing Essay - 1052 Words

Plagiarism comes about when a person uses words or ideas from another person’s work but fails to credit the source of the ideas or words. Scholarly work of any nature mainly requires the writing of dissertations, treatises or term papers in the world of academia. Students in institutions of higher learning, as part of the course work, carry out research and present their results in the form of dissertations or term papers. The assignments’ formatting usually follows standards namely the American Psychologists Association (APA) format or the Modern Language Association (MLA) format. Plagiarism cannot not only be committed in writing research for academic purposes only, but can also be committed in areas of general writing such as in†¦show more content†¦She further points that some students also use the services of others who do for them their assignments or papers. (â€Å"What is Plagiarism?† par. 3) It is evident from the example that mere use of any i nformation downloaded from a website and presented without any alterations without citing the reference source is outright theft of another person’s work. Many websites online offer research writing services but one should be cautious while using them. Reference sources play a big part in research writing. They offer ideas or works done by other people, which may be useful in building upon newer ideas. They also provide a basis of providing evidence to one’s arguments in argumentative research writing. A writer who uses information from these sources should consider the input the source’s author has put into creating the work. This is where citation of the author in any use of part of the work comes in. Lack of citation is what amounts to plagiarism. This is noticeable when a writer fails to place any in-line text citations or reference sources in their work. Citing the reference source of an idea is important since it gives readers the source to consult and eve n read further on the topic. The site points out how a writer can inadvertently commit plagiarism whereby the writer fails to quote any copied text to the act of placing wrong citations of reference sources (, â€Å"What isShow MoreRelatedPreventing Plagiarism When Writing A Research Paper980 Words   |  4 PagesPREVENTING PLAGIARISM WHEN WRITING In a research paper, you have to come up with your own original ideas while at the same time making reference to work that s already been done by others. But how can you tell where their ideas end and your own begin? What s the proper way to integrate sources in your paper? If you change some of what an author said, do you still have to cite that author? Confusion about the answers to these questions often leads to plagiarism. 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